The John Warner 2007 Defense Appropriations Act
If any civil disturbance so much as interferes with
a “privilege” of another person/group – the President
may institute Marshal Law without any one’s approval
(including Congress)
… a letter to my sister…
Yes the Bible does say that in general the bulk of the Christians will be persecuted during that time.
What I am saying to you is that this is all going to happen really quick.
1. The FEMA camps were put there for the Civilian Population. Many are rigged with AGA Gas feeds to the buildings. AGA is a division of the global gas corporation “Linde” and they make asphyxiation gases. Some buildings in the FEMA camps have railroad tracks going through the buildings rigged with AGA gas. This is particularly evident in the film of the Beech Grove, Indiana facility – which also had Red Zone and Blue Zone signs and markers for people to stand beside.
1a. FEMA has manufactured more than a million green plastic coffins to put the dead bodies. There are hundreds of thousands of them along country roads in Georgia and other states. You can see many videos of them on YouTube.
2. There never was a 9/11. The whole thing was staged by the world Government – the New World Order ruling class – the Satanists. The buildings were brought down by planned and controlled demolition. Building 7 collapsed in controlled demolition also and no plane hit it.
3. The Bilderberg group is a collection of “by invitation only” World Elite’s – or ruling class that has planned this all along
4. They *know* we are buying guns. They have created laws and Executive Orders, many are Top Secret, to *deal* with the gun owners
5. There are bills in Congress right now for the “Confiscation of all Guns”
(citation needed)
6. There is an entire US. Army Brigade (5,000 soldiers) currently in the United States practicing door to door gun confiscation, cordoning off streets with checkpoints and German Shepherds. They are also working DUI checkpoints and automobile accidents to make them being here seem normal.
7. There are well over 1 Million people on the “terrorist” watch list. A very large number of them are American citizens. You can see some of their photos on the ACLU web site. Even Ted Kennedy was on it until he called a meeting with the head of FEMA. But now they don’t care because he has a brain tumor that will kill him soon. If you want to know if you are “on the list” you need only travel on a cruise outside the US with a passport. If you are detained and delayed, you are on the list.
Terrorist Watch List
8. The people on the watch list are the “Red & Blue” list. The Red list will be collected 1-2 weeks before the announcement of Marshal Law. The Blue list will be rounded up 1-2 weeks after Marshal Law. They will be put to death in the camps. During Marshal Law they can kill you for any reason using any method.
(Note: Many claim they have seen guillotines being shipped into the US from China. There is much interest in organ harvesting and this method guarantees undamaged organs.
This would explain Revelation 20:4
“And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God.”
This information came from an X CIA military leader and Christian who quit the group and leaked it out to the press, to anyone that would listen to him. He worked anonymously as he did not want to be silenced and is underground right now.
9. The World Government Illuminati group has planned for another 9-11 to happen on US soil very soon. No one is sure what they are going to do and if it will be one event or many events. Some suggest it might be suitcase tactical Nukes which would explain the burning of Babylon the Great and how it could happen in ONE DAY. There was even a television series recently called “Jericho” that was about tactical Nukes going off in the US.
10. Both the “civil unrest” and gun confiscation wars and the next major terrorist attacks (both created ON PURPOSE) will prompt Marshal Law and people will be thrown into the camps. – This is all PRE-TRIB / PRE-3.5 YEARS OF PEACE / PRE-ANTICHRIST
Much if not all of these things will be happening at the same time – NOT one at a time.
11. There has already been established a 1 million man civilian auxiliary force. Just like the Nazi’s did. Every security guard, every Wackenhut person, will be under the command of NorthCOM. NorthCOM is Northern Command and it was established recently to be the command central for the military operations on American soil. This is the first time in history anything like this has ever been done.
Civilian Auxiliary Force
Northcom has announced that two more U.S. military units will be assigned for domestic homeland security missions, bringing the total number of combat ready service members operating inside the U.S. to around 4,700, as fears grow about the increasing militarization of law enforcement.
Two Brigades added to NorthCOM for Civilian Control
12. There are over 100,000 troops (two brigades) of NATO (foreign soldiers) on US Soil right now practicing Urban Combat to handle the American Militias that form to protect our 2nd Amendment. They will shoot the American citizens in the streets and not think twice about doing so since they are foreign. It does not matter that some of our forces will not fire on Americans – they have already taken care of that problem.
The announcement follows the controversy surrounding a September 8 Army Times report (revised on September 30), which revealed that the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team, fresh from combat duties in Iraq, would be operating inside America for tasks including “civil unrest and crowd control,” a detail that was later denied by NorthCOM despite the concession that forces would be armed with both non-lethal and lethal weapons as well as having access to tanks.
Army Regulation 210-35 – Civilian Inmate Labor Program (concentration camps)
13. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has instituted the “Clergy Response Team” in case of Marshal Law. There are several thousand *prominent and well known” Church pastors that will be assisting FEMA by telling the people of America that “everything is okay” just “do what they tell you and all will be well”. Just like the Nazi’s did. The Nazi’s wrote a document entitled “Nazi Master Plan – Annex 4 – The Persecution of the Christian Church”. They had plans for dealing with all the different denominations. One for Catholics, one for protestants and even one special one for Evangelicals.
Clergy Response Teams
Marshal Law a Reality in America
The 2007 John Warner Defense Authorizations Act
14. Augustus Bush (G. HW and GW’s grandfather, funded the Nazi’s and assisted in their war effort. The Rockefeller and Rothschild banking interests also funded the Nazi’s. Dick Cheney has been with the Bilderberg group and the Council on Foreign Relations forever. He was the CEO of Halliburton who has made billions in the Iraq and Afghanistan war.
How Bush’s Grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to Power
15. President Kennedy warned the American people in a long speech about the evilness of the “Secret Societies” because they tried to boss him around. He was subsequently killed by them. Ronald Regan tried to interfere with their progress and was shot. After he recovered he decided to “play ball.”
The Speech that got Kennedy Killed
They are coming to kill us.
Link to Christian Persecution (killings) World Wide
Nazi Aim to End Christianity
Nazi Master Plan: The Persecution of the Christian Churches
This is no surprise as this is Satan at work.
Satanic Hand Gestures
New World Order
This is it and it is a time to get concerned, excited and to pray.
But we should have a *PLAN*.