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Until All Hell Breaks Loose


When Will These Things Happen?
The Luciferian War Scenario Builds 

When will the war with Iran start?  Will the war with Iran be nuclear?  What about martial law?  What about the prophecies of global earthquakes and massive flooding / tidal waves?  When will the Bride be “rescued”?

And where does “disclosure” fit into this equation?

These are the things I think about constantly.  I get no rest from the mental scenario analysis.  Few sources take into consideration all the variables.  Some sources focus on the Sumerian “gods” returning.  Other sources focus on the forthcoming war with Iran, China and Russia.  Other sources focus on “martial law”.  And again, other sources focus on “disclosure”.

All of these forthcoming events fit into a complex puzzle and must be woven into consideration.  All of these forthcoming events need to be measured against the Holy Bible.  They are all related.  They all play a vital role in understanding what is about to unfold.

Before we proceed, let’s look at the variables and players in these scenarios.  I argue we cannot leave ANY of these out of the analysis.

  • Major prophets such as Dr. David Owuor from Kenya
  • Visions and dreams from our Father’s leadership team like David Wilkerson
  • Visions, dreams, and word from the Lord spoken through regular people
  • The forthcoming Iran War, Russia and China’s part, news reports from both sides
  • Extraterrestrials here on earth, e.g. the MIEC (Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex)
  • Extraterrestrials “out there”, e.g. the Andro-Pleiadian “fallen angelics” (and more)
  • Extraterrestrials “coming here”, e.g. Annunaki / Sumerian “gods” from Nibiru
  • Massive motherships warring in our solar system seen around the sun on SOHO
  • Chinese troops already staged in North America and NorthCOM troop buildups
  • Reports from whistle-blowers / insiders often heard on Project Camelot and Avalon (see the recent Sanchez interview here)
  • Reports from “Illuminati defectors” turned Christians such as Svali and others
  • Andromedan and Pleiadian “channelers” information streams

Each one of these variables must be analyzed differently.  The principle of “who benefits” (cui bono) must be applied to each group (and each consideration) with a keen eye on who is running the show.  Does Lucifer’s team benefit by a certain scenario unfolding, or does “our team” benefit?

This is, without a doubt, a war between Lucifer and our Heavenly Father.  We are, without a doubt, the PRIZE.  We are, without a doubt, “caught in the middle”.


Considering the Pyramid of Understanding in Analysis

Many readers will often make the critical mistake of considering certain sources to be incredible.  Instead of analyzing the data like a military intelligence officer, considering the motivation behind the source, we simply toss it aside.  This is a huge mistake.

In each organization of any size, there are good people and bad people.   Arguably the higher you ascend into the oligarchy, the darker and more sinister the players become.  This variable needs to be considered when analyzing the data.  And to make matters even more complicated, sometimes those relatively close to the top, are STILL kept in the dark on the most critical data.

For example, there are still those out there who believe the forthcoming UFO wars will be a deception.  This is FALSE.  Many of these people base their belief on testimonies from folks like Von Braun and Dr. Carol Rosin.  Sadly they never considered the fact that Von Braun was lied too.  This deception of a deception has filtered through the UFO researcher community like wild fire.  Most of the best Christian UFO researchers have bought off on this nonsense.  You can read one such article from Henry Makow here.  Or better yet, simply search on “Von Braun UFO deception” using Google and you will be busy for hours.

Remember this means that NOT ONLY do we have to accept that some sources of information at the lower echelon of the untrustworthy organization are in fact, trustworthy, we also have to realize that questionable sources near the top of the organization might have been intentionally lied too.  Wow.

This is MOST unfortunate.  This leads to the awful notion that we are dealing with “fallen angels” trapped in a “near earth”  or “inner earth” existence.   This trains the tricked to believe that extraterrestrials and UFOs will somehow be “faked”.

The reason “disclosure” has not happened yet is because “they” are waiting for their reinforcements to arrive.  God’s “holy watchers” (ref. Daniel 4:13) are keeping them back. (ref. 2 Thess. 2, “what is restraining”)

100% of all this information will be tossed aside when MILLIONS of these things (Luke 21:26) descend upon the earth in an all out war upon the citizens of the world (ref. 2 Esdras 15, Joel 2, Micah 3).  ANY time the Bible refers to “flying armies from the North” or “chariots” “flying like the wind” we are dealing with EXTRATERRESTRIALS.

It is so unfortunate that people, even good researchers, don’t look at all the information.  Look at the SOHO photographs!  Look at the huge motherships warring with one-another in the solar system.  There are enormous intergalactic space craft all round the sun.  Those are just the ones we can see.  This indicates there are potentially tens of thousands of them all over THIS solar system.

All the data must be analyzed.

Here is one such example.  Note this particular YouTuber suggests that NASA removed critical images on 11-11-11.  Was the sun being used as an intergalactic wormhole “portal” on this day?



Also see the YouTube channel of “BeePeeOilDisaster” here.


The Underground Military Base Nuclear Attack Example

Recently there have been a lot of claims that Deep Underground Military Bases have been under attack with nuclear weapons.  Admittedly I find this implausible for a vast number of reasons.  For example, the USGS has published a report on underground nuclear testing (from 1968) and its effect on seismic events in the surrounding areas and faults.  Their conclusion indicates that past underground nuclear tests in the west, did NOT result in any noteworthy seismic events (minor earthquakes) even in fault prone regions.  See here for more information.  These atomic bombs were many times a magnitude more powerful than any of these “suitcase nukes” or “micro-nukes” that are supposedly being used in these DUMBs.

Never mind the fact that “above ground” Top Secret military bases are practically impossible to penetrate.  The underground bases use ET technologies for protection.  The sensors they use make the “naked body scanners” at airports look like WWII radar.  The compartmentalization of these facilities is astonishing.  Biometrics are used at each passageway.  Cameras and scanners with real-time alerting are watching every breath that is taken; listening to every “heart beat”.  The “Star Trek” tricorders have NOTHING on this technology.

The only plausible explanation I have heard regarding such claims, is that God’s “angels” are involved.  If this is true, then anything is possible.


When you apply the principle of “who benefits” to these claims something doesn’t add up.   Since we know that our Heavenly Father is going to destroy these bases anyway eventually, then what would be the purpose of destroying them in advance?  I do concede our Father might be angry at the abominations occurring in these awful places and these claimed attacks might possibly be “pre-emptive” strikes.  That makes sense.

However the real travesty of these reports is that the Galactic Federation of Light is “claiming” victories and recruiting more deceived “light workers”.  Every time there is a “claim” of an underground base attack, people like David Wilcock and Alfred Lambremont Webre start claiming a victory.

See …

Andromeda Council: East China Sea 6.9 quake – undersea reptilian base destroyed

This is absolute BALDERDASH!!

Again, “light workers” are being recruited FASTER than new Christians are being led to Jesus Christ.  This is all due to these unfortunate claims.


The Martial Law Example

I constantly receive “alerts” about pending martial law.  While these alerts are noteworthy, the fact of the matter is that these alerts have been coming out in force now for more than 5 years.  Many great Christian “watchman” ministries have relocated to different parts of the United States in hopes of escaping these events.  In some cases they sold their homes and moved their entire families. (sigh)  Some of them “ran for it” during the Deep Water Horizon event.  Admittedly, even I had gone to U-Haul with the expectation of flight.

That’s when the Lord woke me up and I wrote the article:

Running from the Kingdom

In fact I have intentionally left my “fearful” articles published on Tribulation-Now so people could see the spiritual growth and peace that happens once you stop hoping for survival and focusing on JESUS and the Kingdom (ref. Luke 12:31, Phil 1:21).

I have come to the conclusion that the “Bride” of Jesus Christ will indeed be “rescued” before “all Hell breaks loose”.  The fact of the matter is that many good Christian watchman groups do not understand the rapture and the Bride.  Sadly this will likely mean they will be “left behind” and ultimately become “Tribulation-Saints” (foolish virgins, ref. Matthew 25) waiting for the Matthew 24:30 “rescue of the elect” which happens AFTER “the tribulation of those days” (ref. Matthew 24:29).

The point here is that “martial law” will happen, but NOT NOW.  The “evil cabal” cannot afford to lose control of the masses.  We outnumber them by something like 6.9 Billion to one.  They are waiting for their “reinforcements”.  They are waiting for “that which restrains” to be taken out of the way (2 Thess. 2:7b).


Nibiru and Planet X are Major Players

Pay attention closely to this following statement.  There is a reason why Nibiru / Planet X is the MOST COVERED UP EVENT in the history of mankind.

The Nazi’s wore a swastika.  The swastika is a “Black Sun”.  The Denver Airport runways are laid out in the shape of a “swastika”.  The “Black Sun” is Nibiru.  They “worship” the Sumerian “gods” from the Dog Star Sirius.  Rex 84 was in preparation for the GREAT TRIBULATION.  FEMA Camps, FEMA coffins, Martial Law, NorthCOM, …. ALL of these things are in place for the “Great Tribulation”.

The rapture (rescue mission) of the Bride of Jesus Christ happens PRIOR to the Great Tribulation.  We are dealing with a PRE-WRATH rapture.  The forces of evil know this.  The 6th Seal (global earthquake and comets, ref. Revelation 6:12) will occur just prior to the Trumpet JUDGMENTS.

The Bride will be GONE.

The evil cabal and the MIEC (Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex) with the governments of the world, will blame the missing people on the ETs and UFOs.  But it will be GOD’S ANGELS that took them.  Many of the children will be taken too (1 Corinthians 7:14).  This is why the TV series “Falling Skies” has “front loaded” the American public with this notion that ET’s are after our kids.  This is all part of the Luciferian lie.  This is all part of the forgery.

Important Note:

If you are still here after a large number of people are taken / reported missing and the governments of the world are blaming extraterrestrials and UFOs …


Never mind what the remaining churches will tell you.  It’s time to “buck up” and prepare to be martyred.  Praise Jesus you get a second chance.  But remember you are NOT a martyr if you die in an earthquake.  Remember you are NOT a martyr if you die with the other 2.25 Billion that die by the end of the 6th Trumpet.  You have to be put to death intentionally by the forces of evil by proclaiming Jesus Christ as LORD.


Prophets of our Heavenly Father and Visions / Dreams

I depend powerfully on the prophetic dreams and visions of our Father’s people to maintain my train of thought in these confusing times.  Here below the prophet Dr. David Owuor (one of the few we should be listening to right now in my opinion) is postulating on when the rapture of the Bride would occur in relationship to the forthcoming war with Iran.

Remember!    Dr. Owuor has NEVER been wrong.  I don’t give a dang what you read on the Internet.  Every decent “man of God” out there has lying disinformation spread about their work.

Dr. Owuor is given vivid dreams and visions (prophecies) from our Heavenly Father all the time.  This has been going on for years.  In 2009 he was discussing the possible scenarios associated with the “rapture timing” as it relates to visions he was given about a forthcoming “nuclear” conflict with Iran.

His determination (not a prophecy but an analysis), was that the rapture of the Bride will occur PRIOR to the war with Iran.  You best pay close attention to this if you expect to be prepared to “escape all these things which come upon the earth” (ref. Luke 21:36).

Moreover it is imperative we also listen to “the sheep” of our King Yahushua Jesus Christ.   Our Father is speaking to the most amazing people and the information correlates PERFECTLY.  You really need to clear out your burned in unbelief from “other teachers” past estimations and open your mind with a humble and contrite heart (which our Father dearly loves, ref. Psalms 34:18).

Here below is the word from our Heavenly Father given to a lady by the name of Charity.  Pay very close attention to what she says.  Not only does she confirm the rapture is about to occur, but she refers to it as a “rescue” and she says it will happen prior to “wrath”.  Amen and Glory to Jesus I have been begging people to hear this for a very long time now.

Pay especially close attention to her warning toward the end of this video.  If you are not imminently prepared at all times, living a sin free and holy existence, …. watch out.

“No More Time”


Summary in Jesus Name

I wish there was some way I could teach everyone all the wonderful things I’ve learned since I’ve opened my heart to the work of our Heavenly Father.  The deception is so thick and the information out there is absolutely rife with 1% truth mixed with 99% falsehoods.   And sadly there are SO many great Christians that have made up their mind and are “preaching and teaching” things that have not come true in the past and won’t come true in the future.  If we don’t humble ourselves and throw away the teachings of other people and look at the information ourselves in prayer and PRAISE, we will NEVER see the trees of truth hidden in the forest of confusion.

And our greatest enemy is OURSELVES.












To Find Out How – Listen to This Radio Show
Preparing for the Rescue Mission

Listen to internet radio with John Baptist on Blog Talk Radio
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