They Fly Like the Wind
And Come From Afar
The Seven Thunders of Revelation have been revealed. I am satisfied what these saints have been shown in the truth. It matches everything I have uncovered in my research over the years. Glory to Jesus and our Heavenly Father for revealing these things in the “latter times”. Indeed we live in the “latter times”.
Praise the Holy Lord Jesus Christ and our awesome Heavenly Father God. Since many people cannot access You Tube videos, I have manually transcribed (as best as possible) the prophecy shared in the video below.
Intergalactic NOT Inter-dimensional
Our precious brother Elvi Zapata, will once again be joining us on the Radio Show tonight at 8PM ET. Jesus showed him not only extraterrestrial beings landing on earth in large space craft, but also showed him that these “fallen angelic” freaks are cooperating with the governments of the world.
The Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex is REAL and our King Jesus Christ has revealed this to Elvi. I already knew it, praise Jesus, but hearing this amazing testimony from our brother in the North East was the confirmation I wanted to hear. Glory to God! The radio show has just been scheduled. Here is a link. The show is entitled …
“Elvi Zapata’s Visit with Jesus – Alien Planets and More”
Praises to our King Jesus!
Here again is a direct link to the Radio Shows main library:
A Likely Timeline of Events
As always I search through the words in these prophecies with what the Lord has shown me over years of research; which has included not only the scriptural information but also the dark alien agenda and New World Order evil. Deep inside this “Seven Thunder” prophecy are words that indicate these “Seven Thunders” will appear through “fire“.
Knowing what the near future likely holds, this “fire” is possibly what is burning during / after the nuclear war of Ezekiel 38 and 39 (Gog and Magog). This will be the forthcoming war with Iran. This was confirmed through the prophet Dr. David Owuor of Kenya. The Lord showed him a vision of the Iran War. Indeed it is nuclear. And yes the “rescue mission” (rapture) of the Bride of Jesus Christ occurs before the war goes into full horrors.
Here is a link to that particular Dr. Owuor discussion.
This timeline also supports my “guestimation” that the Great Tribulation begins with an alien invasion of mass proportions. As I have postulated in the past many times, I believe the last part of Daniel 9:27 should be translated …
“On the wing of a flying army of especially detestable and disgusting things, shall be that which astonishes, devastates and stupefies”
Which tracks back perfectly to Luke 21:26 which says …
” … men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those “things” which are coming on the earth”
So in summary, it appears to me that these “Seven Thunders” will be a horrible judgment upon the earth that comes from afar, and is a flying menace of pain and utter destruction. This very well may be the “dragons of Arabia” spoken of by the prophet Esdras in 2 Esdras 15.
28 Behold an horrible vision, and the appearance thereof from the east: 29 Where the nations of the dragons of Arabia shall come out with many chariots, and the multitude of them shall be carried as the wind upon earth, that all they which hear them may fear and tremble.
Indeed this tracks rather horrifically to Joel 2, and Micah 3. God help those who dwell upon the earth (ref. Rev 3:10).
If my hunch is correct, perhaps these events will unfold in the following order:
- Massive earthquake / tsunami California
- Massive earthquake / tsunami North East
- Iran War (Gog / Magog) Begins
- Rescue Mission of the Bride of Jesus Christ (millions of unrepentant Christians will be left behind)
- Nuclear War
- And possibly … the Dragons of Arabia … the Unleashing of …
The Prophecy of the Seven Thunders
Here below is a typed transcript of the Seven Thunders prophecy. Praise JESUS! Glory to God the Father!!
First she reads Revelation 10:2-4.
Rev 10:2-4
He had a little book open in his hand. And he set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, 3 and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roars. When he cried out, seven thunders uttered their voices. 4 Now when the seven thunders uttered their voices, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, “Seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered, and do not write them.
She then goes on to explain that she spent a lot of time reading, meditating and praying on the scripture in the Book of Revelation. She got stuck on the “Seven Thunders” and asked God to reveal it to her since she figured it was definitely the “later times”.
Weeks went by and she heard nothing.
Evidently a couple weeks later her husband who is a relatively new Christian came downstairs in the morning and out of no where asked her “Do you know what the seven thunders are?” She then became very excited.
In the video “brother Dan” then shares with the audience what the Lord said the seven thunders are through a prophecy they received. He says he is going to read to you what he received (from the Lord) that morning.
Here is the transcript below. I have highlighted key words for those who understand these things “fly like the wind” and come “from afar“.
“Be of great vigilance, for the “thunders” approach. Although the hosts shall lead the battle, the thunders shall follow. Their might shall be apparent to all. Their glory is in my name. Prince of peace I left, God of thunders I shall return.
They shall swoop down on their prey like an eagle. They shall enter with a deafening roar. Their roar shall pierce the ears of all who await them. Fire shall spew from their lips. Fear shall enter men’s hearts.
They shall blind all who look at their presence. All hearts will grow cold. All will look for mercy from them and none will be found. They have been called to inflict punishment; and they shall not disappoint the Father. As the wind blows, so they shall fly. None shall escape their wrath.
Woe to all who feel their wrath. It would have been better that they had never been born. The Seven Seals have sealed thy fate.
Thus saith the Lord; mercy shall be followed by judgement. Thy cross is of your own making.
Then brother Dan reports that a couple months later he got a follow-up to the seven thunders prophecy.
“I shall not come through water, but fire. My messengers shall announce my forthcoming. The cries of my children have reached my ears and they shall be answered. For vengeance is mine.
The sea shall hide no more. The time nears when ye shall witness the mighty power which I hold in my hand. The wings of the thunders await my command. All who do not follow me, walk down the path of destruction. My angels shall breath fire on the evildoers.
The scales of justice shall weigh heavily on the unforgiven. Mercy has lost its way and shall not be seen again. The fruit of anger is ready to be picked. Woe to the evil as it gasps for air and there shall be none. The fires of Hell shall surround them. What was gained through cunning and deceit be had no more.
The sea shall boil and the mountains shall tremble. For my judgment shall be swift and final. Woe to those who look for deliverance, for there shall be none. Shall sight return to those who were blind?
The scent of death shall fill the air. Woe to those who bow down to evil. Woe to those who remain unmoved. The fires of Hell shall consume them. Woe to the fury that awaits them.
The world has not seen, nor shall witness again, the fury of my wrath”
She closes by explaining that she could feel the Holy Spirit upon them as he read the prophecy. She explains there is still time left and to seek repentance and become baptized in the name of Jesus Christ now. She warns that you do not want to be here on earth when this comes to pass. She says you want to be “safe with the Lord”.
Summary in Jesus Name
Wow. On one hand I want to shout for joy and say “I knew it, I knew it”. But on the other hand I am humbled and so utterly saddened for all those who have hardened hearts and made up minds. How sad it is that, to this day, I continue to receive emails from “Christians” trying to convince me that there is no rapture. How awful for them. They will likely not survive. I pray the Lord opens their eyes. I truly pray earnestly every morning that our Father will somehow open everyone’s eyes.
- even those you don’t know about
- through at least water immersion (the Baptism of John)