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Calamities, Final Harvest, Rapture


calamities rapture

Peace and Safety, Sudden Destruction
But Does God Warn Us First?

Praise God, thank you Father for your mercy.  Get ready because it looks for sure like things are going to get ugly real soon.  The Lord has been sending me prophecies through people from all over the world.  God bless each and every one of you for your emails.  God Bless each of you who attend our Weds and Sun night radio shows.  God Bless each of you handing out Tribulation-Now business cards, putting up web sites, and printing out fliers, and doing works for the Kingdom out of obedience to our King.

Rev 22:12
12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.

We have all been involved in the harvest because the Lord brought us all together, and NOW, we will be involved in one last final harvest even before we GO HOME!

The amount of data, both worldly and prophetic, that indicates “all Hell” is about to break loose here on the earth, is so staggering that I am unable to place it all in a single article.  If you want to see the “tip of the ice berg” you will have to spend some time reading at least the last 20 articles published here.  AND you will need to watch the videos presented on the “Apocalyptic Signs” page in the black boarder above.  Yep … all of them.


The Coming Events Timeline

While there is no possible way to be absolutely certain that these events will “go down” precisely in the this order, Tribulation-Now has been tracking news reports, media clips, and prophecies, dreams, and visions for more than 3 years now and it appears this may be the event timeline that is about to unfold.

1) California Megaquake – Brown Bag Golden Gate Event
2) N. Korea WILL attack USA & South Korea / Nuke (Owuor, Major Ed Dames)
3) Israel WILL attack Fordow Facility (Tactical Nukes; Owuor, Headlines)
4) Russian Subs are on Alert for Launch
5) Earthquakes Go Global – Ripple Effect Outward
7) RAPTURE OCCURS (Godshealer7; Godshealer7 (2))
8) ALIENS INVADE (Isaiah 13, 2 Thess 2:11, 2 Esdras 15: 28, Godshealer7 (1), Godshealer7 (2))

On Wednesday, May the 8th, at 8PM, Lord willing, we will broadcast a Radio Show discussing this timeline in great detail playing audio clips of a wide range of prophecies and visions correlating these events.  If you want a notification of these Radio Shows please be sure to sign up using the Red Button at the top right of this web page (or click this link HERE).

Also please note I have added some “links” to the above list so you can listen, read and hopefully piece it all together, PRAISE JESUS.  And those links are the tip of the ice-berg.  GLORY TO GOD.


Piecing it All Together

While most prophecies, dreams and visions give us only a snap-shot in time, some are wonderful gifts in that they actually snap together multiple events into a timeline.  Always remember we ALL see through the mirror dimly and people who are given these visions, and dreams do not always remember all the details with crystal clarity.

1 Thess 5:19-22
19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not despise prophecies. 21 Test all things; hold fast what is good. 22 Abstain from every form of evil.


Deut 18:22
;when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.

So here below is a timeline gift from our King Jesus given to our brother Elvi Zapata some time ago.  Praise God.  Here you will hear him try to explain, as best as he can, what the Lord showed him.  From a timeline of events perspective, Elvi remembers basically:

a) A major earthquake in California and other places
b) An earthquake / tsunami event in the North East United States
c) The Israel – Iran War starting

He estimates to the best of his recollection that the “Bride of Jesus Christ” will have to endure some suffering for approximately 2-3 weeks.  Again this is what he is estimating from a timeline perspective.  PRAISE JESUS FOR THIS GIFT FROM GOD.

 Three Final Signs

See Link HERE

Next:  Bon’s Blog – The Final Harvest

Next, praise Jesus, I am emailed a link to this amazing prophecy from a lady named Bonnie in Australia.  She calls her web site “Bon’s Blog” and it is my belief she is hearing directly from the Throne Room of God.   Remember there were hundreds, even thousands of prophets that lived during Jeremiah’s time but ONLY Jeremiah was given those warnings from the Lord.  That’s how it works.  And since “knowledge has increased” (ref. Daniel 12:4b) we are blessed to be able to bring all these prophecies together to see what awaits us.  PRAISE JESUS!


See Link HERE 

Just in case, here is the text of this prophecy:

The Last Harvest – and The Coming Antichrist


“Daughter, you don’t realise how close everything is to changing the world forever. Know that no matter what happens, I am with you and with all My dear children.  I will not allow any of My own to perish but will save to the uttermost all those who come to Me for salvation.  I am drawing many more into My Kingdom every day and an event will take place shortly that will cause billions of souls to turn to Me in repentance and faith.  This will be the Last Harvest before I come for My Bride. Don’t fear what is to come, for you know that I will protect you and all those who are Mine.  This event will cause fear to rise in the hearts of many, but it will also cause faith to rise in the hearts of those who are Mine, because you will know that your redemption draws nigh.

Be patient in waiting, for all is in My hands. It may seem like the world is out of control, but remember that I am always in control no matter what is happening around you.

It will soon be time for the antichrist to make his appearance on centre stage. Just as an actor portrays another character, so will the antichrist portray another character … he will portray Me, the Lord and Saviour of mankind. He will set himself up as the Messiah and many will fall for his deception. But those who belong to Me and are called by My name will not be deceived by this imposter, or by his false prophet. Time has run out, My children, for I am at the door and My love will envelope the globe as I draw many more into My Kingdom before the Great Deception unfolds.”

 Now lets take a closer look at what “Bon” is relaying to us from our Father God regarding these forthcoming calamities.  The Lord is saying that:

a) An event will take place that will draw billions of souls to the Lord
b) They will turn to the Lord through REPENTANCE and FAITH
c) This will be the LAST HARVEST before the RAPTURE
d) It will cause FEAR to rise in the hearts of many
e) The Bride is NOT to worry

Praise Jesus notice that these prophetic words are supporting one another perfectly.  This is supernatural synchronicity that only comes from our Father whoart in Heaven!


Next: Sara Fatou Traore’s Words from the Lord

Another wonderful saint with prophetic words from our Heavenly Father was just recently sent to me by one of our blessed readers and Radio Show listeners.   Her name is Sara.  While there are thousands of people out there who claim to, or seem to have a gift of prophecy or vision, Sara’s words MATCH the words of others beautifully.  That’s the glory of our Father.  If we truly WATCH as He expects us too and we keep track of these gifts from the Throne Room, we can easily estimate the likeliness of its accuracy … Amen?

First we receive this confirmation from God letting us know, Praise Jesus, that first come some calamities.

Now Come the Calamities

See Link HERE

I love Sara and how she presents her information because she is kind enough to provide a transcript of the prophetic word for those who cannot listen to the You Tube video.  Here is that transcript:

Children of the Most High God – this is your Lord and Savior speaking,

Trial and tribulation shall come upon the nations like never before. Many calamities shall fall, each event shall generate more devastation, terror and loss. I have warned you of such ruin for some time now, now they come – like a whirlwind My tempest shall storm through and reap havoc. Diverse shall the collapses and failures by. Truly they will happen swiftly when least expected. Children, you have been prepared mentally and emotionally for what is to come, now comes the physical manifestation. These events shall be swift and shall occur in a short period of time.

Know that with their unfolding I AM coming for you, the rapture is to occur. Let yourselves not be shaken but made ready. Move with the Holy Spirit within you. Abide in Me like never before. Walk in My presence always.

Children never be afraid for I AM holding your hand. I AM with you always – I will never leave you nor forsake you. You must be close, not far from Me. As the world is shaken even more so let not your faith be as well. The Righteous shall not be moved. Trust in Me. All that I AM. My great power and mercy, My love for you. I shall see you through. Even though the world is crumbling I shall see you through.

Keep the faith, be strong in me the Lord your God and never fall prey to the devils lies. His works against you are relentless but in Me, each wile is foiled, brought to no effect. Surrender all unto Me. Your terrors and fears, your burdens and anguish – your anxiety – cast and lay your concerns at My feet. Submit yourselves unto Me and let yourselves not be troubled. Receive and withhold My peace, be comforted by My love for you. Be strengthened by My glory.

Children this is it. The end is here. Time is up. Man truly has no clue what shall suddenly come upon him. Terrible shall his tribulation be. Children rely not upon the appearance of present circumstances. For it is only temporary, all life is temporary. But a transit form your state to the next. This is the case with the world. Nothing shall remain the same. Life as it is no longer shall be maintained no longer. It is over. It is finished. Thus why your focus must be upon My Kingdom, righteousness and intimacy with Me. You must be concerned only with the things that are of God.

Tragedies will strike at any moment. Your departure is soon at hand. Be courageous now children, patient and flourishing in Me. Keep yourselves from defilement and all uncleanliness. Be set on your commitment to Me, to finish the race. Take up your cross and follow Me, into the Promise land. Be constant in prayer My children and be hopeful for your redemption is nigh. It is here. I AM at the door ready to retrieve My beloveds unto Me. I anticipate the arrival of My Bride more than you wish to be with Me.

Remain alert and be ever more on guard. I tell you children, watch now like never before, I come quickly. Love,


Next the Lord reveals to her that we are quickly approaching “Jacob’s Trouble” which is the GREAT TRIBULATION.    This is especially dear to me because for the last 3 to 4 years we have been preaching and teaching that we are ALREADY in the midst of Daniels 70th Week (last 7 years) and we are quickly approaching the final 3.5 years, (or Great Tribulation).  Again the Great Tribulation is referred to in the Bible using a number of metaphors including a) times, time, half a time, b) 1260 days, c) 42 months, d) the Day of the Lord, e) the “hour of trial” and e) “Jacob’s Trouble” (and more).

The Lord further confirms, through her,  that this is about to happen “Immediately”, and that the Rapture is absolutely IMMINENT.   The Lord ALSO confirms, through her,  that the fullness of the gentiles has been brought in.  THIS IS CRITICAL.

Rom 11:25-26
25 For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.

And immediately after this the Lord reveals that He is about to save the remnant in Israel and they will know that their Messiah is Jesus our King!

Look at this amazing confirmation embedded within this prophecy.  This confirms all of the warnings above with amazing supernatural eloquence.

Tragedies will strike at any moment. Your departure is soon at hand. Be courageous now children, patient and flourishing in Me. Keep yourselves from defilement and all uncleanliness. Be set on your commitment to Me, to finish the race. Take up your cross and follow Me, into the Promise land. Be constant in prayer My children and be hopeful for your redemption is nigh. It is here. I AM at the door ready to retrieve My beloveds unto Me. I anticipate the arrival of My Bride more than you wish to be with Me

Jacob’s Trouble

See Link HERE

And for those who are multi-media challenged, here is the prophetic transcript.

Children of the Most High God, this is your Lord and Savior speaking,

The end is come. It is here. Your last battles draw to a close. My precious ones, I come now to retrieve you. To gather you unto Me. To bring you into My Kingdom. My angels shall be ministering over you, preparing you for your departure and arrival in your new home, to your new state.

Blessed are you children, you who have a hope, a future – eternal life and salvation in Me. You have have been enabled to overcome through Me. I love you children, My heart yearns for our eternal union, your deliverance form the prison that is the world.

I tell you today children to be evermore watchful, on guard and alert for your time has come. Your time is here. My blessed beloveds biblical prophecy has unfolded, all is coming to pass as it is written. The tribulation ends now and the Great Tribulation begins. With the Great Day of the Lord comes Jacob’s Trouble.

The remnant of Israel shall be reconciled unto Me through much trial and suffering. Jacob’s seed shall be brought back into covenant through Me, their Messiah and the Holy One of Israel.

Israel shall be united and return to the Lord God. My people shall make peace with Me Their rebellion shall come to an end, once again they shall call upon the name of Adonai.

Children, I must fulfill My Promise to My people – the offspring of Abraham, their obtaining of My salvation. My people Israel shall receive their Messiah – who always was, is and is to come. They shall receive Him as their King, their Lord and Savior. Yeshua Ha Mashiach shall be recognized as their Redeemer.

The fullness of the gentiles has come. I come to receive My Bride. My Little ones, the kingdom of God is at hand. Love,

LORD YESHUA, God Almighty.


More Confirmations of Imminence

Here below is brother Elvi Zapata sharing this vision of being taken to the Great Tribulation (he calls it simply the “tribulation”) in 2014.   Let us pray this is an accurate timeline because it strongly indicates we are potentially months away from this all breaking.  GLORY TO GOD.
Elvi Zapata – Jesus Took Me to Tribulation in 2014


And here below is a powerful “Prophecy Alert” from Dr. Owuor, PRAISE JESUS.  This is really powerful because the Lord has not warned of imminent rapture through David Owuor since April of 2011.

Prophecy Alert: The Rapture of the Church is Near

Summary in Jesus Name

About two years ago brother Kenneth, sister Cathy and I set out on a much longer journey than we realized.   In July of 2011, believing that we were about to be raptured at any moment, we started the Tribulation-Now Radio Show.  The Lord has blessed us abundantly with guests from all over the world; many who have never done such a show before.  These things do not happen as they have for us, if it were not for the Lord’s right arm of righteousness being extended upon this work for the Kingdom.

I believe with all my heart that our Father God has revealed the final series of events to those who have a humble and contrite heart and are seeking HIM FIRST and His righteousness.

Matt 6:33-34
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Remember that millions of Christians will be “left behind”.  Remember that the forces of evil on this earth will LIE to you and tell the world that the ALIENS took the people away.  Even the New Agers “light workers” are being lied to by their Galactic Federation of Light “star-freak-abominations” telling their constituency that there is soon to be a first phase evacuation of humans from the earth.  The fallen-angel-demonic forces are setting up the world for the most horrific lie since the foundations of the earth.

The fullness of the gentiles has been brought in perhaps yes, but it’s OBVIOUSLY not too LATE.  If you have SIN in your life you are STAYING for the Great Tribulation.   This is what the Bible says.

The qualifications for the Bride are in Ephesians 5:27

Eph 5:27
that He [Jesus] might present her [the Bride] to Himself a glorious church [only the Church of Philadelphia Rev 3:10] , not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.

Read the article on Tribulation-Now about “Being Holy“.  Cry out to the Lord to have mercy on you and pray the Rapture Prayers for Purification NOW.

Remember you have to have a PURE HEART.  You cannot have sinful thoughts at all.  You have to have LOVE coming out of you from every direction.   Without this humility and love, the Bible says you do not know the Father or the Son.

John 16:2-4
They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. 3 And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me.

Oh and just in case you need MORE confirmation on these forthcoming events, check out this video here staring at the 17:15 minute mark.   The man being interviewed at the 17:15 mark, tells that while he was in Russia evangelizing, he met a Christian pastor who worked at the Kremlin.  This Russian pastor told him that Russia is about to attack the United States west coast with nuclear weapons, shortly after an orchestrated and planned FINANCIAL COLLAPSE, AND RIOTS.   Here comes the martial law.  Get ‘ya some bottled water and Beanie  Weenies.  AND don’t forget to share with your neighbors while you are PRAISING JESUS!!



Email me at jbaptist777@gmail.com with questions

THE WOMAN  [The Bride]
WHERE SHE WILL BE FED [At the Marriage Supper of the Lamb]
FOR TIMES, TIMES AND HALF A TIME [The Great Tribulation]

Rev 12:13-15

13 Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child. 14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.

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